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Writing Resources


Scrivener is HANDS DOWN my #1 must have for writing. It will change your life!

There is a bit of a learning curve with it, but check out some of my YouTube videos that will help you get started. And if you're still stuck, there's a million other YT videos that will teach you all you need to know! You need this program!

Scrivener for PC    Scrivener for Mac


Website design can be a pain! Spending hours upon hours getting your author website in tip-top shape is now a thing of the past. I've been using Wix for years now, and LOVE it!! It's extremely user friendly and allows me to get back to what's important--writing and marketing.


I'm a voracious reader! Between self-help books, writing craft books, and fiction novels (and now baby books), I'm constantly reading something.

Scribd has been a godsend for me! There's a ton of writing craft and self-publishing books available with unlimited access for one monthly fee.

Try it out for 60 days!


I've used Dragon NaturallySpeaking on and off for years. It's great for fast-drafting your first draft, and writing blog posts with higher words per hour than your fingers can manage. Google Docs and Mac has a free dictation to get you started, but the accuracy of Dragon can't be matched.

Check out Dragon!

Much like Grammarly, ProWritingAid is a program that runs through your text, highlighting not just mispelled words, but weak words or phrases, redundant words, inconsistent spelling, and so much more! I run all of my work, fiction                and non-fiction through PWA before publishing it!

Try it out!


I've been using PicMonkey since 2014. I love that it's online so I can save a project and pick it up anywhere, and I LOVE that it's so easy to use. No fear of learning Photoshop. Get started creating your marketing and website images right away!

Try out PicMonkey!


Whether you want a mic to improve the accuracy of your dictation software or you're starting a podcast or YouTube channel, I've used the AT2020 for YEARS! I've never had any issues with it and it records fantastic audio.

Check it out!



The Anatomy of Story by John Truby

This book is plot GOLD!! My #1 book recommendation on the writing craft.

2k to 10k

by Rachel Aaron

Every writer needs to read this one! A great system to increase your writing speed!

Plot & Structure

by James Scott Bell

Truby's book is a little more advanced, but this is a great introduction to plot!


The Secret by

Rhonda Byrne

This has nothing to do with writing, but I've read it every year since 2014!


Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody

This book is another great starting point for outlining! Based on Blake Snyder's.


On Writing

by Stephen King

If you're ever feeling down about your writing life, pick this up!


Big Magic by

Elizabeth Gilbert

If you need a pep talk for your creativity, this book is GOLD! One of my new favorites.


Story Engineering

by Larry Brooks

An oldie but a goodie. One of the first books I picked up on the writing craft!


Year of Yes by

Shonda Rhimes

I listened to the audiobook and loved it! This is a great creative pick-me-up.


The Emotion Thesaurus

by Angela Ackerman

Using the same descriptions? This series is great for thinking outside the box!

5k Words Per Hour

by Chris Fox

Another great resource in up your writing speed! I know, I'm a little obsessed with WPH


You Are a Badass

by Jen Sincero

I've read this and listened to it a total of three times in a year. Love it!

© 2018 by Vivien Reis

Vivien Reis



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