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Last Minute Camp NaNo Preparations!
This is a super quick update! I apologize for not providing an additional story for everyone - my internet has been down at my house for...
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My Week-Long Hawaii Trip! (With Pictures)
This week. Has been sssoooo long. And fast at the same time. Funny how that happens, isn't it? If you watch my YouTube videos, you'll...
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NaNoWriMo Results + An Update on My Novel
NaNoWriMo is over. That means you're probably either rejoicing or bummed out, depending on how much you enjoyed this past month. I can...
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NaNoWriMo: Is Dictation Worth a Try?
Hello my fellow NaNo-ers! I hope everyone had a successful Day 1. I had two writing sessions yesterday and here are my stats: In the...
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Preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo
20 days left until Camp NaNoWriMo!! This is the very first NaNo related event that I'm participating in and I'm so excited for it to get...
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Quarter 2 Wrap-up & Quarter 3 Goals
Let me start off by saying that this is a judgement-free zone. Just kidding...I give you free rein to judge me because that’s why I’m...
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Quarter 3 Wrap-up & Quarter 4 Goals
It's that time of year again! Time for me to suck it up and tell you guys exactly how I did. Spoiler: I met 7 of my 14 goals this...
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Was Camp NaNoWriMo Worth It?
July is over. A month of scrambling to get word counts in, sweating over a crumbling plot, disregarding the dishes, and crying over days...
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